Artisan Pizza and Flatbread in Five Minutes a Day is out TODAY

pizza party

Today Artisan Pizza and Flatbread in Five Minutes a Day is finally available in stores. That sound you hear is me clinking a glass of bubbly. Please join us on our book tour, which starts TODAY at noon in the Har Mar Barnes & Noble. To find details and dates in your city click on the Events page.

Jeff and I wrote this book because we love pizza. So, when it came to making a video about the process, it had to reflect what a riot we have creating these recipes. You basically can’t bake a pizza without creating a party, whether it is for a night in front of a movie or a big gathering of friends in the back yard. Pick the crust and toppings to suit your mood and within minutes you have pizza, lots and lots of fresh pizza.

We knew instantly who could capture the heart and soul of this project; Todd Porter and Diane Cu of White on Rice Couple. Their work is visually stunning and they have such a joy about them, which is captured in their images. When they said they would do this video with us, I danced around my kitchen, I haven’t stopped yet. We hope you enjoy watching the video just as much as we did making it.

Here are some more images captured the day of the video shoot. All the pictures in this post were created by Todd Porter and Diane Cu and used with their permission. Thanks you two, they are all gorgeous.

In the book we teach you how to toss a pizza high in the air, just like Ole did, which impresses your guests, but also creates a beautifully round and thin crust.

pizza party

Having a pizza party is a great way to get everyone involved. Stephanie Meyer and Michelle Gayer laughed their way through the creation of about 6 pizzas.

Gather your toppings, cork a bottle of wine, mix up some dough, invite your friends and neighbors over and have a Pizza Party in 5! We invite you to do just that on November 15th. We are having another party, but this one is going to be on the web. Pick your favorite recipe in APin5, bake it, then post it on Twitter using #PizzaPartyin5. We will gather all the pizzas on Twitter and share your creations with our readers. Bloggers we invite you to post your creations on your websites and let us know about it on Twitter, so we can send people to look at your #PizzaPartyin5 posts. Join the party and have fun. My two sons, 10 and 12, will be baking for this one. For more information on this online party visit

With a couple of buckets of dough, a buffet of toppings and Artisan Pizza and Flatbread in Five Minutes a Day on hand we made over a dozen pizzas. My oven was busy and so was the grill, it was a truly magical day.

The video cast:

Thank you to Todd and Diane from White on Rice Couple, for bringing to life what Jeff and I feel about this book. We love what we do and you captured it all in 3 minutes of pure joy. Cheers! A huge thanks to our wonderful friends who baked this feast of pizzas: Michelle Gayer (The Salty Tart), Stephanie Meyer (, Ole and Shaina Olmanson ( and Laurie Jesch-Kulseth ( You guys rock!

Their true colors shining through.

We also want to thank the fantastic folks at Red Star Yeast, King Arthur Flour, Emile Henry and St. Martin’s Press for helping us make this video exactly what we were hoping for. It really does take a village to raise a great video.

Okay, I think I covered everything and now I hit the road for the next couple of weeks. Hope to see you along the way.

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19 thoughts to “Artisan Pizza and Flatbread in Five Minutes a Day is out TODAY”

  1. Dear Zoe
    I just found your blog. Beautiful!
    Which book of yours you recommend me to buy for glutenfree bread recipes?
    Please notify me of new posts by email.
    Thanks for your answer and best regards
    PS: I just finished the first Paleo lifestyle and recipe book from Switzerland.

    1. Hi Kristin,

      That is wonderful, please, please join our Twitter party on Nov. 15th. Just send us a link to your pizza using #PizzaPartyin5 so we can see what you are making!

      Thanks, Zoë

    1. Hi Katharine,

      Fantastic! One bucket of dough will make about eight 1/2-pound pizzas. I guest that should be enough for 9 people, unless they are all teen age boys! 😉

      Have a great time and please take pictures and join our World Wide Pizza Party on Twitter. Nov. 15th just send us a link to your photos using #PizzaPartyin5 so we can see what you are baking!

      Cheers, Zoë

    1. Thanks Kathy,

      Enjoy all the pizza and I hope you will join us for the #PizzaPartyin5 event on Twitter November 15th!

      Cheers, Zoë

  2. Nothing has made me want to break my diet till now~!! The video~!! The book I received today~! (Seeing you on TV~!) Oh yummmmm~! I see lots of pizzas and flatbreads in my future~! Congrats to you both~!!!

  3. I have been using the original master recipe and the whole grain master to make pizza for years now – I love it so much, it’s just totally changed the way I make bread and I make pizza all the time. I will definitely be getting a copy of the new book!

  4. Apart from the food, the video and the sound are outstanding.
    I guess my cookbooks are getting a new brother (sister?) in the near future.

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